Interesting indeed!
In June 2010, Liam (who has already responded to this thread) posted
about an Android device with a real keyboard, and palmtop-sized, rather
than phone-sized like the Motorola Droid. But by the time I came to try
and buy one in early 2012 (when I got fed up with trying to source
replacement parts for my Psion 3) the smartbook market had collapsed,
and no-one offered such a device.
Late in 2012 finally gave in and bought a pocket-sized tablet PC (for
which read "smartphone" - in fact a Samsung Note). I don't find it very
convenient to use, and would love an Android palmtop! I still haven't
ported even half the things I used to do on my Psion...
Another possiblity: years ago in a charity shop (US: thrift store) I
bought a Targus Stowaway folding keyboard. This was a full-sized
keyboard that folded up to about half the size of a mass-market
paperback. The one I have docks with a Compaq iPaq, which I don't have.
The one I found googling it docks with a Handspring Visor, which I
haven't even heard of before. Does such a device exist that will work
with a smartphone?
The trouble is, it would probably use bluetooth, and there is little to
beat a bluetooth keyboard for creating security holes! OTOH, phones
usually have a jack socket for speakers, handsets, etc. ISTR this has a
digital input of some sort. I wonder how easy it would be to bitbang on