From: "Tony Duell" <ard at>
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 4:45 PM
Well, I
found a couple of 3.5" drives that can be jumpered, and the
Altos doesn't recognize 'em at all. I suspect it wants a drive that
does DD only.
Wild guess. Pin 34 changed its definition at some point (IIRC it used to
be Rdy/, it bacame disk_change/). Maybe that's your problem.
If not a TEAC FD55GFV will work as a DSQD
Do you have the jumper settings for that? TEAC's documentation
drives me up the wall. I have an FD55GFR that I can make boot and read,
The thing that really annoys me about the Teac documentation is that the
jumpers are not explained in the service manual (and on later drives with
one big ASIC, you can't really work them out). OK, they're probably in
the OEM manaul, or something, but if all you have is the service manual,
that's not a lot of help...
I'll lookup the exact Teac jumpers but not only do you have to change the
two speed jumper but you must make sure pin 2 is grounded to select the
correct speed.