On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 10:11:25PM -0400, Eric Chomko wrote:
Don't you really have to have a ROM monitor to
play with? Assembly is fine, but
one really should START with binary code on any starter mircoprocessor system,
IMO. Its a bootstrap process. Assemebly language (6502 at that) comes afterward
(learning process). Seems the Apple IIe is too high-level for beginners on the
system. Isn't it native in BASIC? Can you get to a ROM monitor from BASIC? I
have a IIe that would be fun to play around at the ROM level.
You have a ROM monitor and (either on original ][s or the enhanced //e and
newer) a small assembler. There are more sophisticated assemblers too.
From BASIC you just CALL -151. DOS works from the
monitor too, and BASIC
and machine language work together pretty nicely.
-- Derek