On Mar 9, 2011, at 12:46 PM, Eric Smith wrote:
That's why the "secure erase" commands
were added to the ATA command set, and the drive is supposed to erase even the spared
Sandforce takes this one step further in that their SSD drives have AES encryption turned
on by default. If you issue a ATA secure delete to the drive the key is wiped and
regenerated, rendering all of the data in flash, both primary and spare, into garbage.
Chris Kennedy
chris at
mainecoon.com AF6AP
http://www.mainecoon.com PGP KeyID 108DAB97
PGP fingerprint: 4E99 10B6 7253 B048 6685 6CBC 55E1 20A3 108D AB97
"Mr. McKittrick, after careful consideration..."