----- Original Message -----
From: "John Foust" <jfoust(a)threedee.com>
To: <cctalk(a)classiccmp.org>
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: Greedy E-bay idiots!
At 10:23 PM 2/5/2004, Teo Zenios wrote:
>He might have no idea what he has, but he knows you will pony up $2,500
>it so maybe $4,000 might be reasonable to somebody
else. You might call
>greedy, but I don't see why he would be
stupid? eBay has been around for
>quite a few years and more people are listing items (and selling them)
>then every year before so somebody is making some
cash (besides UPS,
and Fedex
eBay's short-term auction model works well for all parties if
the items sell quickly. They're missing an opportunity for items
that don't sell quickly, but that people want to sell.
- John
eBay could care less about what people want to sell, they care about what
people will buy. There is limited space on eBays servers just like there is
limited space in a store. Having items sitting around for years taking up
space and bloating the database with absolutely no revenue coming in is a
waste of time for eBay. Having to pay for an advertisement on eBay keeps
people from listing their Commodore 64 for $200 and letting the add sit
there for the next 500 years. Most of the fun of an auction is bidding on an
item that doesn't come around that often and getting it for a great price.