I was snooping in a distant salvage yard, and this place just got all the
extra "stuff" from a long long time electronics place in Fullerton CA (RD
Electronics). Part of the haul was the "collection" of old terminals that
sat on shelves around the store for the last 30 years. They are currently
sitting on pallets out in the yard, and I don't know how long this has been
the case.
One terminal I noticed was a ADM31 funny clamshell looking thing, but NO
WAY am I going to haul a bunch of old terminals home at random. I didn't
even dig enough to have a clue about what else is present, BUT there was a
gaylord of rolls of ribbon cables and all that sort of old electronics
store downsizing type stuff. Email me for details if driving to the
"inland" empire sounds like fun.