On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Paul Koning wrote:
> Up at
Apex, what did I see, part 2:
> Not too spectacular, just some old reel tapes in (luckily)
> weather-proof containers. BURROUGHS. 3200 fci, so not too ancient.
William> All Burroughs is worth saving, simply because no one saves
William> it.
True, if indeed that has Burroughs stuff on it. It could just be a
boring data tape with the Burroughs name on it. I think all the bing
companies resold magtape with their company name attached to it.
Oh I'm quite sure they are just BURROUGHS reels, with crap old
data on them. THere was a hand-scrawled label, some sort of data
saves or something. They most definitely were not Burroughs
factory distribution tapes. You can see the labels in the photo.