At 02:20 PM 4/12/2001 -0700, you wrote:
Titans are the
big ICBM's right?
Big enough that they evolved into the biggest (unmanned) launch vehicle
that the US now has.
Not quite, Titan IIs are a medium lift space launch vehicle with an
approximate 4,500 lbs to LEO capability. The Boeing Delta II with the lift
package can put 12,000 lbs into LEO. The Delta 3, its bigger brother can
put 18,000 lbs into LEO.
At one time the Titan II was the only "flying" launch vehicle in our inventory.
Have they been
replaced with something
else, or do we not have any ICBM's anymore? I know Subs (Boomers) have
a lot of our missles now.
Last time I checked US still had Minuteman III (1500 warheads on 500 to
750 missiles), MX (950 warheads on a few hundred missiles). I had thought
we had gone to a 1 warhead/missile policy since then, though.
I believe this is dependent on the implementation of START III, Minuteman
III is the bulk of the missile fleet. And are operated in part at Minot
AFB (see <>)
All Minuteman III missiles contain a classic computer (the Guidance
computer) as production of this missile stopped in 1978.