In a message dated Thu, 18 Jan 2001 11:19:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, John Foust
<jfoust(a)> writes:
I've got one. I was so cool in 1987 or so, carrying the
M100 and a disk drive, writing articles on airplanes.
I even remember using CompuServe via the M100.
It uses the serial port. I seem to remember utilities for
the PC that pretend to be a disk drive for an M100 in this
fashion, as well as tools that would let the drive connect
to the PC. I think the drive came with a disk containing
a utility or two.
- John
Wish I did! I just got my first M100 this week! Picked up a 32k m100 in pristine
condition with the manual (no case or drives though) for $10. 4 AA bateries later and it
was running great. Have to say these are really cool little computers!
-Linc Fessenden.