I have my 11/23 (The DEQNA isn't in it yet, it has RT-11 v5.04 on it,
I kermitted over the distribution, followed the directions in in readme.txt,
and did @sysgen. Then I had to go to class. (The 23 is at school)
I came back an hour later to the . prompt (No error messages)
So, I followed the rest of the directions, put everything on the DU0:
(10MB EDSI drive on a QD21) and modifed BOS11 for my config (Commented the QNA driver,
added RX02 lines as per the example in some other config), renmaed it to BOS1
and built that. No errors. Put that on the DU0:
Now, I do RUN BOS1 and it sits there. Doesn't halt, just sits. It's been
20 minutes, what did I do wrong?
Oh, and I fudged, the drive is 120MB. I'm using MM to send mail, so I can't go
change it.
RT-11 seems to work just fine, btw. I boot from rt11XM normally, but to load
fuzzball I did BOOT RT11SJ, then ran it. Not enough memory to do it under XM.
Anything else I'm supposed to do?