At 08:55 AM 9/20/00 -0700, Eric J. Korpela wrote:
It's more the point is that Gates and Co. used U.S.
government and Harvard
University computers to develop their BASIC. If Harvard had done what it
was well within its rights to do and claimed ownership of the code or placed
it in the public domain, rather than just giving Gates the boot, the computing
world might be a somewhat different place.
Yes, but universities are also well-known for letting researchers
and even students use their computers for whatever purpose they
like, without regard for the intellectual property rights...
as opposed to the average corporation today, which will claim
to own everything you do on their equipment and even outside
the office, or in the case of one employee agreement a top-5
company once tried to get me to sign, everything you did in
the 18 months *after* you'd left their employment, as well.
- John