On 8/31/06, Michael Holley <swtpc6800 at comcast.net> wrote:
I recently got a book titled High-Speed Computing
Devices 1st ED. 1950...
I have been adding to my magazine scans. I found a decade counter circuit
implemented with four 12AU7 tubes (dual triodes) in the October 1955 Radio &
Television News. (50 year rule.)
Cool! I happen to have a dozen 12AU7s here in my desk - they were discarded
from the stock shelves when they cleared out
"Skylab", the former home for a
wad of experiments dealing with aeronomy
and auroral observation -
Carl Sassenrath of REBOL fame worked there once, many years ago).
Hmm... a decade counter with 4 tubes... with a dozen tubes, I'm
half-way to a digital clock - just add nixies!
Thanks for the pointer!