On Sat, 18 May 2002, Tony Duell wrote:
Somebody reads CCTECH and is subscribed to CCTALK also
(but they don't
get mail from that list)
Problem is, what a particular person sees depeneds
also on what lists
others have subscribed to.
The way this is handled on another list I am on, which split in an
essentially identical way for essentially identical reasons, works
opposite to the way CCTALK/CCTECH do now. Its "tech" list is managed this
* All articles are sent to the unmoderated "general" list.
* A moderator (or moderators) "promotes" on-topic messages received by the
general list to be delivered to the essentially read-only "tech" list.
* All replies go to the general list; on-topic replies are promoted, etc.
It works well for them, with minimal confusion. Was this option considered
and rejected already? Does it make sense for CCTALK?