On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 21:55:37 +0100
Pete Turnbull <pete at dunnington.plus.com> wrote:
I don't
have an isolating transformer. GND
of the scope and GND of the PDP-11 are connected to earth of the mains
plug. Because of this I connected both to the same power strip. I did
_not_ connect the GND clip of the probe to GND of the PDP-11. If I had
done this, I would have created a ground loop. This, of course, _will_
create problems.
Not necessarily, I do it all the time. And the lack of a local
is almost certainly where all that hum and noise is from.
I scoped the voltages
again with the probe grond clip connected today.
I still get some noise, but this may be related to the ground problems
of the scope and to the GND wires carrying current. So I am tempted to
say the supply voltages are OK. Same for DCLO and ACLO.
But if the
M930 is enough and if the voltages are OK, why can't I halt
the CPU with the control panel? There are NPR jumpers in the backplane
and grand cards in emty slots.
Classic sign of something wrong with the bus
grants. If the grant cards
are all the small type, are they the right way round? Is there one in
every slot, including the last (slot 9)?
All empty slots have G727A grant cards.
BRn / BGn connections facing
away from the CPU. The NPR / NPG wires are still in place on the
backplane, but in slot 8. This slot has a double with, non-DEC grant
card that connets NPR and NPG in addition to BRn / BGn. I measured all
NPR / NPG connections and they are shortened as expected.
This is the Unibus configuration:
1: ABCDFE: M8266
2: ABCDEF: M8265
3: AB: M9301-YF CDEF: M7859
4: ABCDEF: RAM, 256 kB
5: ABC: empty D: M727A EF: empty
6: AB: empty CDEF: M7856
7: ABC: empty D: M727A EF: empty
8: AB: empty CD: Grant Card EF: empty
9: AB: M930 C: empty D: M727A EF: empty
Still: Pressing CNTRL + HLT at the programmers console lights up the
"Bus Error" LED a second later while the "Run" LED is still lit.
I reconfigured the DL11-W for 9600 8n1 and soldered a new console
cable. But I don't get anything from the serial console.
Any ideas what to check next?