On 2015-Jun-24, at 1:13 AM, COURYHOUSE at
aol.com wrote:
Computers ARMY COMPUTERS! early & beastly with Friden What is it? I had
a chance to buy these photos so I did! Be fun to find the people and
talk to them! What ever this thing is I guess I need to devote a page on
it! Ed# _www.smecc.org_ (
Looks like they could be photos of MOBIDIC, the Army 'Mobile Digital Computer'
project from the 50s.
Zoom in on the 2nd photo of the model here:
Note the mag tape units, the orientation and outline would match your second photo (the
double vertical rectangles on the front in the model match those behind the left
fellow's head and the right fellow's hand.
Flexowriter also present in the model.
Another version of the model down the page here:
Your photos may be quite rare, the MOBIDIC project is often mentioned in computing history
but photos of the actual MOBIDIC seem to be hard to come by.