While there are Apple knowledgeable folks paying
attention, I also
recently picked up a PowerBook 145. It's a really, really nice machine
even though it doesn't have much RAM (4MB) or hard disk (40MB). I'm
running 7.0.1 on it (7.5.3 used too much of both the RAM and the
hard disk) and have been pleasantly surprised to find lots of software
that runs on 7.0.1 (vi and lynx alone mean I can be productive doing
documentation for some of my projects. Minix runs great, too), but I'd
really like to stick a larger hard disk in the beast. The difficulty
is that it uses a whacky 30 pin connector. Any hope of my finding a
larger hard disk that'll work? I've not been an Apple person until
recently so I don't know what was available for these machines. I have
found a company that sells NiMH batteries for the beast, which will
really help.
Roger Ivie
You might want to check out the following site.
http://www.powerbookguy.com/ I've not done business with him, but he's
been around for several years. He carries various old systems and bits.
Personally I'd upgrade to System 7.1, but not higher. If you can find a
copy of MS Word 5.1 it should give you a good Word Processor. Another site
to check out would be
I love old Mac's, they're user friendly :^)
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| healyzh(a)aracnet.com (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| healyzh(a)holonet.net (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/ |