1. How does one LIST the contents (i.e. the files) on a volume create
by 4.2BSD backup? I don't want to restore them, just list them.
Lengths and dates would be nice, but not absolutely necessary.
# restore -tvf [tape device/file with backup image]
The -t option says to list the <t>able of contents. The -v option says
do so verbosely. The -f option specifies that the file or device for
the backup follows.
2. How does one restore the contents of the said level 0 backup
volume <to> a local directory? That is, the original was almost
backup up starting with /, but I don't want to overwrite my own file
system with restored data.
If you want to restore the whole thing to a local directory, do a mkdir
to make an empty directory, use "cd" to change into that directory, then
# restore -xf [tape device/file with backup image]
If you want to see a listing of the files as they are being restored,
add a "v" option, e.g. restore -xvf [dev/file]. If you want to restore
individual files within the backup, you can use the <i>nteractive mode
to specify files:
# restore -ivf [dev/file]
This gives you a simple command shell that you can use to explore the
backup, and mark files for recovery, then one command which causes the
recovery of the files marked.
Rick Bensene
The Old Calculator Web Museum