Greetings folks,
I've got a couple of dead C-1541 drives here, and not nearly enough
knowledge / info to troubleshoot them.
I hve no idea if these are on-line anywhere (I have them on paper), but
there is an official Commodor service manual for the 1541. It's just
scheamtics and parts lists.
More use to you, if you can find it is the SAMS troubleshooting guide.
This (might) be on, I've not checked. This ahs step-by-step
procedures for trackign down faulys.
Be warned that the 1541 is not identical to other foppy dirves, So some
detials in a generic floppy drive repair manual -- in particualr relating
to the stepper motor control -- will not apply.
Does anyone have - or have a link to - a basic text on floppy disk
troubleshooting & repair? For instance, I need to know what I should expect
to see coming off the read head, and the read head pre- and post-amplifier
circuits.. basic low-level info of that ilk.
You'll see almost nothing at the heat, it's a very low level signal. The
place to look is the output fo the first amplfiieri nt he read chain
(this is normally a 733 or NE592). It has differential outputs, connect a
'scope with differential inputs (if you have one) there.Of course gettign
a signal there depends o nthe first stage of the read circuit working
correctly. But if you _don't_ get a signal there, you know where to start
looking for the fault.
What are the problems with the 1541s?