On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Tom Jennings wrote:
[much snippage]
I'm working with 5th-year EE students who
don't even know how to make
real-world input protection networks, or do real bypassing, but boy can
they crank out SPICE simulations of CMOS gates. You should see their
solenoid driver designs -- >shudder<. Never heard of inductive power
resistors. Reading the fine print in capacitor specs? Fat chance. We're
all doomed.
My Ex sent me an interesting article she dug up - basically how
40/50/60 year old analog engineers (who still want to work) are able to
literally write their own ticket - starting salaries are in the $100K (US)
range - entirely because of this syndrome.
It's also interesting that Vietnam seems to be turning out very
competent analog design Gurus - 'Nguyen Tranh, BSEE' translates to "You
got it made, buddy!"
I myself have fielded more than one juicy offer by various Gummint
contractor companies - but I'm happy where I am. Nice to know that the
Original Nerds are finally getting their Just Revenge....
Now where's that damn pocket protector...
John (BSEE '71)