----- Original Message -----
From: "Cory Smelosky" <b4 at
To: "Jules Richardson" <jules.richardson99 at
Cc: "cctalk" <cctalk at
Sent: Wednesday,
April 17, 2013 9:23 PM
Subject: Re: R: Mylex MAE486-33 BIOS needed
I had a dual-PIII server board that had an EISA slot or
too...unfortunately I binned it when ribbon cables on it caught fire. (I
still don't know how that happened...it had to have been overvoltage) I
don't have any EISA systems left at all...my current PII may have one, not
sure. Another system with EISA is on its way to me.
Are you sure they are EISA and not ISA? EISA died out kind of quickly when
PCI came out which was well before the P3 era.