> >Try masking off pin 34.
> By masking off you simply mean disconnecting,
>correct? It's not that I don't know, I'm merely
>testing you.
Anything that will disconnect it. In the case of card edge connectors, a
small piece of plastic tape. Pin 34 is at the end, and the backside (pin
33) is a redundant ground, so you can get away with wrapping the tape
around, and then trimming with a knife.
Some of the card edge to dual row header adapters for connecting 3.5"
drives to XT cables even have a jumper to disconnect pin 34.
If you don't mind disconnecting it for both drives, you can disconnect it
at the FDC end.
Or, you can cut that wire in the cable.
Or, you can put a switch in the cable. While you are at it, put another
switch in the line for the index pulse.
If you can find one, there exist dual row header MF connectors and T's
with 34 switches in series.
Or, you can add switches or jumpers on the FDC. Might as well also put in
a push button for NMI.
If you've got an extra gate or two on the board, you could AND the signals
(READY and INDEX), and control their passage in software.
I assumed that folk here would understand "mask off" and come up with
suitable methods.
On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Roger Merchberger wrote:
Methinks Fred has forgotten more about floppy drives
than you could ever
learn... ;-)
depends on how literally we should take that - I have forgotten a lot.
Some others on this list, such as Chuck and Allison have not been so prone
to "old-timer's" syndrome.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at