I'm with
you. The "ten year rule" is crap -- there, I've said it. It's
not even enforced anyway, since people here would have no problem
talking about SGI Indigos or BeBoxen or DEC Alpha machines or similar
stuff, and that's all newer than 10 years old, or just barely.
I think the 10-year "rule", if there is to be one, should only apply to
wintel boxes. I believe that's the spirit of the rule anyway.
Just out of curiousity, apart from obvious off-topic stuff (like 'please
fix my modern Windows PC'), has the 10 year rule ever been strictly
enforced? I think I've seen plenty of threads about machines that are
strictly too new to be mentioned here, but which are interesting enough
that nobody cares
I've come to believe that the only real "10-year rule" strictly
enforced is thr one that decrees that every 75 days or so, we have an
extended discussion about the 10-year rule.