I've come across a small pile of old Commodore stuff. I don't really want to ship
any of it at this time, as I don't have any boxes or other packing material, and it
takes lots of time and effort. But I will eventually if I have to, or if you throw enough
money at me.
Operational status currently unknown. I will power-up the Amigas on Tuesday,
Pick-up or local delivery (92656).
Not for resale:
1. C64, C128
2. Amiga 500, 1000, 2000, 3000. The 500, 2000, 3000 have hard drives, but no other
expansion cards.
3. Miscellaneous floppy drives, Commodore monitors.
4. No C64/128 software, but over 100 Amiga floppy disks.