At 01:25 AM 7/24/05 +0100, you wrote:
98616A Opt. 045
HP BASIC verison 5.1
Should run on 200's and 300's
I'd guessed that much :-) Is this a bootable system,
The "System Disk" should be but it will not include any language
extensions so none of the peripherals or internal options (clock, error
messages, DMA, etc) will work. It's a dammed minimal system and about the
only thing that will work is the ALPHA display and the default disk drive.
However once you get a system running you can load the .BIN files (device
drivers) located on the "Drivers + Language Ext" disk using the LOAD BIN
filename command. When you get all the drivers loaded that you want you
can save the entire operating system as one file (if your drive is large
enough. It won't fit on a floppy disk). Use the LIST BIN command to show
what BIN files are currently loaded. You can also use SCRATCH BIN to unload
all the BIN files but that's not particularly usefull since you won't be
able to do much with just the minimum OS. >IIRC< the command to save the
OS file that is currently in memory is SAVE SYSTEM filename.* The
interesting thing is that you can create many different operating system
files, each with different BIN files included and save each OS file using a
different name. Then when you boot the system you can press the space bar
and it will stop the system from automaticly booting the first OS file that
it finds and instead it will display a list of all the OS files (and ROM
cards with OSs) and you can boot any OS file by pressing the one or two
letter code displayed next to the desired OS. See
<> for more information about this.
*There are some oddities about naming the OS files but I don't recall
all the details off the top of my head. One of the things that I found was
that the LETTER displayed with the OS file depends on the one the first
letter of the second half of the OS filename. If you name the OS file
SYSTEM_BAS then the letter will be B but if you saved the exact same file
as SYSTEM_RAS then the letter will be R. Also, if the Boot ROM will
display the first B file with the code 1B. The next B file will be 2B, etc
etc. So if you created a system and saved it as SYSTEM_BAS and then saved
it again as SYSTEM_RAS and then rebooted and viewed the OS files you would
see 1B and 1R. If you then saved another OS file as SYS_BAS and then
rebooted and viewed the OS files you'd see 1B, 1R and 2B. IIRC you don't
have to use the name SYSTEM although that's what the manual says to use.
You can end up with some real screwy codes depending on what file names you
use! For example you can save HPL, Pascal and BASIC OS files all using a
Bxx suffix and all the files will be displayed as 1B, 2B, 3B etc even
though they're different languages! However the system will always know
that the files are OS files since you used the SAVE SYSTEM command to save
I haved played with this in a long time but I can look up the details if
you need them.
or does it run under
something else? I've noticed that these disks
appear to have LIF
filesystems on them.
I believe they are. However BASIC 5.1 itself supported the Hirectical
File System (HFS). In other words directories, sub-directories etc.
What does the Opt 045 mean?
I'm not sure of the specific meaning in this case but usually it just
indicates the type disk that's included in the set (5 1/4" vs 3 1/2", etc).