>>> Having inspected the zip file, what are
the .lbl files?
On Mon, 10 Dec 2012, Ethan Dicks wrote:
here is an
example from an Alphatronic disk. There are lots of disks
with these sorts of labels on them
http://bitsavers.org/bits/Alphatronic/CPM/ALPHA1.jpg That's rather the sort of
thing I expected, but my new question is
"what can make that label from these files?"
In particular, I'm looking at kay2.lbl (since I have a Kaypro 2) and
it's one long line of 10240 chars where it looks like a sequence of
512 of the same character in a row. For this file, it's 512 repeats
of each of:
I see no control chars or anything to indicate printer codes.
Did I manage to find a corrupt one on my first time out?
Raw bit pattern for the printer graphics?
(odd that it would stay between 30h and 48h)
10240 would be the right number of bytes for 2 tracks (or 1 cylinder of
DS kaypro), but I would expect to see either a LOT of E5h or Z80 machine
How are the disk images?
Teledisk seems to still be available at
But, has anybody heard from Dave Dunfield lately?
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at