dwight elvey <dkelvey at hotmail.com> writes:
TV color crystal frequncy.
No, that's 3.579545 MHz (or 4.43361875 MHz for PAL) -- this one's a
bit faster than the NTSC colourburst, which presumably is what makes
it unusual...
3.595295 MHz is the color burst frequency (3,579,545) plus, EXACTLY, 15,750
(the horizontal scan rate). This crystal is used to produce a "rainbow"
(normally a "gated rainbow") color test display. Going from left to right
it continuously changes color through all 360 degrees of the color burst.
[I'm kind of surprised that it's CB+15,760 instead of CB+15,764 ... the
horizontal scan frequency for COLOR is bumped up slightly from 15,750 to