On 28 Jun 2000, at 18:56, Bill Bradford wrote:
No computer flooring, but I'm going to bolt a
couple of racks directly
to the concrete floor, and put in a BIG window AC unit, so I can
comfortably work out there in the middle of the summer here in Texas
(its been 95+F here for the past 2-3 weeks..)
Oh, that's right, it's summer in Texas now. And I thought it was
hot in Houston because I had so many computers running at once.
I always wanted a two story room where the second story was a
balconey running along all four walls with a spiral stair case in one
corner. The downstairs would have all my systems set up to play
with and the upstairs part would be lined with bookshelves for
manuels, books, etc. That's the basic idea anyway.
David Williams - Computer Packrat