To bad the parallel port has also gone the way of the serial port.
Indeed. IIRC those USB to Centroincs printer 'cables' don;t allow you to
toggle individual port lines like that.
That's why I said an old-ish PC. Meaning one with a parallel port, not
(jsut) USB.
I've used the parallel port with a paper tape
reader that had
a parallel out. One needs a bidirectional port, connectors and wire.
It allowed me to save a lot of tapes that were borrowed.
I built a little interface for a Trend UDR700 reader that connected it to
a unidirecitoanl parallel port. Basically, I sued a 74x157 mux to read
the 8 data liens form thereader onot 4 of the handshake input lines of
the port in 2 halves. The last input line was 'data ready;. Some of the
outputs wre used to step the reader to the next character (I added a
flip-flop, triggered by the strobve lien of the reader to control the
reader run line), and to select which nybble would be read in.