On Mon, 13 May 2013, David Riley wrote:
honest, I thought the OP was asking about storage
CRTs for scopes before
I read the thread).
Same here.
And me. I was thinking 'Does he need an EHT transformer, a storage CRT, a
voltage mulitplier block , or what?'
I was curious what parts availability would be like
for early
scopes with storage CRTs.
Depends on the parts. The CRT is going to be a problem, the
transoformers are too (and Tektronix lied about their lifetime warrenty,
they no longer honour it!). Voltage multipiers would probably have ot be
rebuilt (if it;s a potted module, you'd have to make a repalcement and
arrange for it to stanf the voltages invovled). Other parts are most
lilely standard and seasy to get.