This is, I hope, on topic as the subject is over 10 years old. I
stopped by one of my favorite surplus thrift stores that sells old
software and exclaimed in delight at seeing several new copies of the
Spring edition of MSDOS 5.
Now this edition is a counterfeit produced by a corporate executive of
Everex I believe. The first person to go to jail for software piracy.
I remember seeing this boxed set up and down the west coast in 1992 or
so. It is MSDOS 5 on 5 1/2 inch disks with a manual and NO holofoil.
it was easy to identify.
However once I mentioned "counterfeit" I was "persona non grata."
manager grabbed the copies off the shelf and started to investigate
using Google. He didn't get anywhere and so called Microsoft. They
didn't have anyone there that remembered MSDOS 5, much less anything
about counterfeit copys. He got referred to a website with no info and
sat there looking at them.
I suggested that no one is ever going to use MSDOS 5 again and just
pretend He never heard me say anything. I apologised for upsetting his
day and wasting at least an hour of this time. Given the lack of
interest by Microsoft he put them back on the shelf.
So I wondered if anyone on this list collects SW like this and would
like a copy. There are several sealed editions (I think he opened one)
that they are asking $5 for (too much in my opinion but it will go
down if they do not sell - and who is going to buy MSDOS 5).
Anyway that is the ethical dilemma... should they be sold as
collectibles for any reason? I know I wouldn't dare to put it on Ebay
I did buy a copy of IBM DOS 6.3, new unopened for $2. I think there is
a collectible copy of the Microsoft MSDOS 6.0 upgrade, sealed. If
anyone is looking for IBM or Apple SW of the vintage 1990 -1999 (I
know OT) I can check.
I got an original unopened box of Asymetrix Toolbox V3 for $1, also a
Scelbi 6800 Software Gourmet Guide and Cook Book for $1.
They also had a boxful of HP factory boxed HPUX 10 CDS that looks like
it might be a complete set (maybe some doubles). They wanted $15 and I
again upset them by offering $5. "This is a thrift sore and I set the
prices" the manager said. I didn't buy it as I just got the free HPUX
11 set and haven't even had a chance to look at it. I do have an old
735 workstation that I was wondering if HPUX 10 would be better for.
Should I get these?
Another thing they have I am thinking about it a Apple Newton eMate
300 with case. They are asking $45. Is this reasonable?
If it doesn't sell they have sales and I have learned to wait for them.
Paxton Hoag
Astoria, OR