"Daniel T. Burrows" <dburrows(a)netpath.net> wrote:
Another warning. Be very careful using chlorinated solvents near
electrolytic caps. One of the labs I used to service did some studies on
why one of their customers was having a high failure rate with the ends
popping. They found the solvent they were using for flux removal was the
cause. It broke down the seal at the vent hole. The caps were never in
direct contact with the solvent - just the vapors were enough.
Interesting. I hadden thought of that as a potential
problem. Most electrolitic caps now days use that
same bubber seal. I would think that petrolium
oils and ozone from chrona disharge would also
degrade them. Surpisingly, silicone grease is often
used to protect rubber. I would guess, one should
put a light coat of the grease on the rubber
parts before using the brake clean ( found another
use ).