DEC sold WPS-8 which ran on PDP-8's, which was kinda WYSIWYG (rulers etc), but I
don't know of anything quite up the WYSIWYG alley for the -11's.
Most common on an -11 was a basic text editor plus DECUS runoff (which most often just
formatted for a line or dot matrix printer).
DECUS runoff for the PDP-11 (at least in late 70's was under the DECUS text processing
SIG) is obviously a reimplementation of most common features of PDP-10-ish DSR . I
don't know if DEC ever officially had DSR for the PDP-11. DSR = "Digital Standard
DECUS runoff has a lot in common with DSR and the other "classic" runoffs but
I've never done an actual entymology to see what is unique and what is common between
them for a lineage.
I myself have re-implemented runoff in Perl a couple of times. It is completely trivial in