Subject: Re: Old MS-DOS & WIN Software
From: "Teo Zenios" <teoz at>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 22:42:54 -0500
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
I have boxed versions of Desqview/X 1.0 and 2.0 and they are fun to play
around with on 386/486 machines. The bad part of DV/X is there are less
native apps (can't think of any other then DV/X enabled DOS programs for
BBS's) for it then OS/2.
Windows 3.1 lives on with some hobbyists (me anyway) because of the Apps and
hardware that was made for it. IF there are few native apps then the OS goes
to obscurity very fast.
I still have my kits for Win3.1, win3.11 DOS5, DOS6.22, Norton desktop and
and useful software like Paradox4.5/dos, Wordperfect suite, Procom,
Norton commander and Norton utilities/dos and a carload of other stuff.
Most importantly a Laptop (color-486/66) and desktop 486/66 that run these.