Please elaborate on the SWTPC systems. Just curious.
I should have pics up soon. So far I've been looking things over.
As far as SWTPC stuff goes, I have three systems. Two are the
SWTPC 6800 boxen with reset and power buttons on the front.
The third is the same but the front panel doesn't have the same
SWTPC 6800 logo on it. It's just blank. There are several boards,
many I haven't IDed yet. So far I see 6800 CPU cards, some 8K
memory boards, some I/O cards, what looks like it might be a
prom burner, a disk controller (no drives though), a 16k memory
board and some more I haven't figured out yet. He has a bunch of
the manuals but has to locate them in his storage space first. I
plan on scanning them when I get them. That's the extent of what I
know so far about the SWTPC stuff. I'll post pics of the systems
and boards on my site soon. Have to dig up my digital camera first.
David Williams - Computer Packrat
"When the mind is free of any thought or judgement,
then and only then can we know things as they are."