At 06:33 PM 2/2/99 -0600, you wrote:
Please consider making disk images (teledisk,
nwdos diskimage, etc.) of
these before parting with them; there are many many folks who can't find
the o/s and they would surely like copies (including us)
Michael Grigoni
Cybertheque Museum
I will if the PC will read these disks. The originals shouldn't be a
problem but some of the copies may be in Michtron's bastardized 80 track 10
sector format. Is there any place that's keeping an archive of MS-DOS
stuff like Don does for the CPM stuff?
Shouldn't teledisk handle this ok? Even DOS's 'driver.sys' should
allow the physical geometry to be set for the source drive IIRC.
Michael Grigoni
Cybertheque Museum