Thank you for the offer, but I think I'll try to
clean up the cups I
have. Maybe they'll lost their stench if I clean them a dozen more times
and pack them in activated carbon for a while, or something like that? >
IIRC thos cups do come apart. I think you can stretch the rubber part and
free the lip of the plastic base cover. It's then obvious.
This might help you clean them, sicne some parts could then be dunked in
clenaing fluids withotu damage.
Also IRIC there is a bit of circuitry i nthe 'earpiece' cup, the oen that
contains anelectret microhpone. Somethign liek a dual op-amp IC acting as
a preamplfiier. The 'moutpiece' cup is a small loudspeaker wired to that
2.5mm jack ('phone') socket, I think it ends up goign to 2 of the pins of
the DIN plug.