On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 3:16 PM, Paul Koning <paulkoning at comcast.net> wrote:
There?s a story (possibly true) about an RP03 that was being air-shipped
from Boston airport. The pallet was not properly strapped down, so when
the plane applied takeoff power, the plane started moving but the RP03
stayed in place. It exited through the rear fuselage and landed on the
tarmac, bending the corner of the frame quite a lot.
It was taken back to Maynard for inspection. The local techs put a couple
of bricks under the bent corner and applied power. The drive worked fine.
I spent about 20 minutes combing through the NTSB daatbase to try and find
the aviation incident but came up null. But there are similar stories of
Sun "big iron" being tipped poorly (specifically an SF15k) which
"fell" and
went back to Sun. Placed into a lab it started right up without issue. I
believe it become one of the systems used for Sun Education/training