At 07:24 PM 6/21/00 +0200, Hans wrote:
> > HTML is rude in mail messages sent to this list, just as it is rude to
> > walk
> > around nude on a beach that has not embraced nudity. So that is the bottom
> > line. We may be HTML prudes, but we're open about it.
>While I agree with your ideas about HTML, this
example is just ill
>constructed. This may be rude in your culture, but over here, nobody
>even recognizes such a behavior as 'rude' (Well, maybe if you select
>some RV Park beach ...). In munich you will even find naked people
>cheering the sun within public parks or along the Isar River, in the
>very middle of the City ...
But this is exactly my point. When people say
"Gee, 95% of the worlds mail
programs can handle HTML so you shouldn't complain about me sending it to
the list." They are apply their "local" cultural mores to a
community. You're Munichens (sp?) when they visit Florida and stroll down
the beach without tops are quite surprised when the local authorities ask
them to cover up, they are using their local code of ethics in a place
where it doesn't apply.
Well, we're (at least most) are aware about the 'unusual' bahavior
among US setlements :) In fact, I wasn't about to start a fight
(especialy since I agree to your statement about HTML), I just
tried to point out that some example, as good as it may look
in first sight, may be ill behaved.
It's Muenchner (or Münchner :))
VCF Europa 2.0 am 28./29. April 2001 in Muenchen