I've got these rack-mount boxes, several of 'em, that each have a power
supply, a logical unit controller, and 7 each SCSI CD-ROM drives. 48
pounds each. Height: 7", depth: 20" behind the rack, exclusive of handles.
"MDI SCSI Express" and apparently rated for 110-230 vac, 50-60 Hz.
I'd give away a couple for a donation to the Mountain Dew fund.
[Dress] One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art. --
Oscar Wilde
--... ...-- -.. . -. ----. --.- --.- -...
tpeters(a)nospam.mixcom.com (remove "nospam") N9QQB (amateur radio)
"HEY YOU" (loud shouting) WEB ADDRESS http//www.mixweb.com/tpeters
43? 7' 17.2" N by 88? 6' 28.9" W, Elevation 815', Grid Square
WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, Cisco Certified CCNA