I noticed an RM03 in a ebay posting, so I asked if it was for sale.
Here's the reply. Obviously this will only be of interest in pickup
range. If someone is serious about this, I'll forward you his email
You asked:
"are you going to be selling the CDC 9762 that the generator is sitting on?"
Boy... you've opened a can of worms. If you will send me your email address then
I will send pictures of my 1st home computer... PDP-11/23 with 9 track tape..
Qbus to Unibus converter to drive the disk as an RM-03 etc... My daughter has it
posted on the local BB at her company and I've given them until next Friday to
respond. Then the whole ball-of-PDP wax is going to go on ebay.. If you are
interested in all or just the disk drive we can discuss it by private email
since its not been comitted to ebay yet... Best regards