On Sun, 22 Feb 2004, Michael Sokolov wrote:
Well, OK, I would argue that the keyboard of a 19th
century typewriter
is still an ASCII entry device. Any time you produce letter 'A', even if
you handwrite it or type it on a 19th century typewriter, you are
actually producing the fundamental symbol ("symbol" defined as "signal
element" in communication theory) 1000001 in a roundabout way, whether
you realise this or not. Kids who handwrite letters and 19th century
people who typed on typewriters certainly don't/didn't realise that they
are actually generating ASCII letters, but that's what they are
fundamentally (see my previous message in response to Kevin).
Ok, so what Universal Truth can you point to that 1000001 is the binary
representation for 'A'? Why isn't it 'B' or 'C' or Omega or
Delta or
Bunny Rabbit? Do you realize that the sequence of letters is totally and
completely arbitrary?
Do you realize you are espousing the worst of revisionist historian-like
qualities? Do you expect us to really believe this nonsense that ASCII
was ordained in the hieroglyphics emblazoned on the pyramids or whatever?
Don't you know it's not good to mix drugs?
Well, it's certainly more than 10 years old and
on-topic for this list, so if
I'm wrong on this
Yes, you most certainly are.
ClassicCmpers please correct me, but I think the Alt
originates at the time when people began to stray from the sanctity of the
Terminal and started entertaining the fad of "personal computer" /
No, I think the ALT key came about because programmers wanted more unique
keycodes to assign to functions.
That's when they moved Esc and Ctrl from where the
Gods and
Goddesses of ASCII placed them (immediately to the left of 1 and A,
respectively), thinking that people don't need them anymore. This is the shift
in mentality that I am revolting against: previously everyone was required to
know the ASCII chart by heart and everybody used Ctrl and Esc to enter special
Yes, why I remember in grade school having time to memorize my
multiplication tables every day right after I spent 4-6 grueling hours
memorizing the ASCII table. It was a requirement to move from grade to
grade and you couldn't get into college without the ability to recite it
forewards, backwards and sideways. It was also required to get a drivers
license and to get married. Gee, how times have changed. Now, anyone who
can merely pass a driving test can get a license, and just about everyone
(except for siblings and first cousins, at least in this country) can get
married. Imagine that!
codes. Anyone who typed on a keyboard knew that he
(yes, HE!) was sending
CODES to the computer.
Yes, everyone of my generation can immediately convert any 7-bit binary
sequence to ASCII and vice-versa, within a split second. In fact, they
don't even have to think about it. Those who were a bit slack in their
studies as a child have to pull out computation aids, such as a calculator
or a pen and pencil, and only the most wortless amongst us actually have
the gall to pull out an ASCII chart, but we weed those people out of the
gene pool (thank the Gods and Goddesses) so that they won't pollute our
ASCII pureness.
Then the mentality changed to the current fucking M$
Word mentality, where the luser (a chick) knows nothing about Computer Science
and only know "to invoke this function in Word, I press Alt-this..."
So, are you saying all people who use MS Word are losers, and furthermore,
girls (i.e. "chicks")?
Will you look at the time? I've gotta go do my daily recititation of the
ASCII table in front of an ancient oak and sacrifice a wildebeest so that
good fortune and success will be visited upon me this season.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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