loves my zorki-4 though i only use it once in a blue moon its still fun to
take out
On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Tony Duell <ard at>wrote:
erm.. with
(amateur) photography going digital, how would we get
from negatives? Also, what are the best
conditions for storing negatives?
[ARD loks around at film cameras fron A (Argus) to Z (Sorki)...]
While it's undoubtedly true that many amateur (and professional)
photographers own a digital camera (I guess my Datacopy 300 on a PERQ
counts :-)). it undoubtedly untrue that no enthusasts still use film.
As for gtting prints from negatives, you can do it the same way you
always did. Plenty od enthusiasts have enlargers still which can handle a
wide range of negtive sizes. I also believe that negative/tranparency
scanners exist should you want to go the digital route. it's not my
subject at all, but I would guess that the image processing needed to
turn the scan of a negative into a postive was fairly straightforward.
Of course you can _make_ an enlarger too. There have been many designd
published over the years, the only really critical bit is that the
negative and printing paer are both perpendicualr to the lens optical
axis (unless you deiiberately want them not to be to correct for
'converging verticals') I susepct gridning the lens elements for the
enlarger lens is beyond most people, though. A camera lens will work, but
the image qualtiy will not be as good as it could be (camera lenses are
corrected for large object distances). A macro lens should work well
though. And true enlarger lenses are not hard to find.
Of course if it;s a large format negative you cna easily make a contact
print from it.
I know that I'd much rather have ot print a negative than try to decode
an uncodumented digital image file.