The Philadelphia area has more Burroughs hardware in the wild than most
places, you might just shake a few things free from ex employees living in
the area, if you're lucky.
On Thu, Jun 13, 2019, 11:50 PM Alan Perry via cctalk <cctalk at>
So, I ended up getting it. Anyone got a running system
that can try to
read the data off of it?
On Jun 13, 2019, at 12:33 PM, Alan Perry via
cctalk <
cctalk at> wrote:
When I worked for Burroughs/Unisys, I was one of the last people working
software for B1000. I think I was the sole user of the B1965 at their
Lake Forest (Orange County) California office in '88-89. I was surrounded
in my cubicle by all of the disk packs for that system. My favorite systems
while at Burroughs was the B1000s.
One of those type of disk packs is up on eBay right now and I am trying
to decide
whether to buy it. It is $60 plus another $40 for shipping. Is
that too much? I almost never see Burroughs stuff, so, if I want Burroughs
stuff, I should just get it, right?