Somewhere I have a very blurry Schneider schematic
(gives me a
headache to read it, but it's better than nothing). That sinking
feeling of not finding a PROM or ROM anywhere on the PCB really
bothered me.
It certainjly was an unconventional design. I didnt like it much either,
but then I dislike custom gate arrys in general...
The power supply is barely adequate for the system. Rather than a
Rememebr it was not intended to be really expanded. I fixed a number of
PCWs #back i nthe day' and can't rememebr PSU problems being very common
simple overcurrent protector, the thing uses a bunch
of those TO92-
Err, R50002 seems to monitor the chopper transisotr emitter current,
along with one of the transistors in IC5001 (the swithcing regualtor
control IC
cased fuse-ish things. Those also are very uncommon
over here. I
You cna wirie in normal fast-blow fused if you hve to. Those 'circuit
protectors' are not common over here, but you can get them
wonder how many PCWs were trashed because of one going
and the repair
shop not having a clue.
I would think very few. An Amsatrad service dealer would have hte
service manual, and would be expected to check the PSU votlages early on.
I believe Amstrad would supply a complete PSU/moitor PCB , but I susepct
most dealers knew to change the circuit protector.
As for other epople, well, the service manauls was trivial to get, and
anyone clueful enough to get it owuld know to check said circuit
protectors. Other people would go to the dealer (see above)