At 02:49 PM 3/5/98 +0000, you wrote:
I was in a thrift store during lunch and saw a PCjr
which had a
second box attached to the top which contained a second floppy drive.
This almost doubled the height of the system and there was a larger
side car type box on the side as well. Any ideas as to what this may
have been? Was it just for adding a second floppy maybe? I'm
thinking about going back by and picking it up.
The box on top could be from Rapport/Racore (Racore now does routers and
such), PC Enterprises (still in biz in Jersey, I think) or one other
outfit. It may also have up to a 384K RAM expansion in it, as well as a 10,
20 or possibly a 30MB disk in it--but if you saw a floppy there probably
isn't a disk.
The sidecar could be memory, a parallel printer port attachment, or one of
several other dongles that came out for jr. I had a Microsoft 128K sidecar
on mine, included a bus mouse--can't remember the name of the product, and
I think my wife sold it and the docs for it long ago.
For what it's worth, the connector on the right side of the case is
essentially a bus extension, and there were several interesting products
that used it to add stuff that IBM never imagined.
Some day I'll tell about the time I got a call from the PCjr team at
Teledyne in Lewisburg (they fab'd the Peanut for IBM).
David Williams - Computer Packrat
David Wollmann
DST Technical Support