Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2013 21:31:23 -0400
From: Jonathan Katz <jon at>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
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Subject: OLD SGI hardware...
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Sorry to keep pestering the list. I have an idea...
Is there any really old original SGI hardware out there? I'm talking
the pre-MIPS stuff, that was used as a graphical front-end to VAXen
and other items (IRIS 1000) or even IRIS 2000 equipment.
I had an Iris 2020 some years ago. It had a bad geometry engine and was
out at work. I got a guy in Germany to send me all the cards he'd saved
out of
one, and got it running. It lasted about a year and the geometry engine
quit again. I sold the boards to a guy who supported some old gear at
an air force base in Alaska. They are apparently still using this stuff.