William Donzelli wrote:
I love
living in Florida, but the total lack of interesting
hardware is damn painful sometimes. I'd love to adopt a few 3420s.
Stuff pops up in Atlanta from time to time - that is a reasonable
distance from you.
And really, nobody seems to live where the good things show up.
Whatever it is, its on the other side of the state/country/world.
Dave McG. will probably attest to the fact that I literally stumble
over Good Stuff all the time.
I've snatched PDP-11s, innumerable VAXen, a Convergent CT-001
(Burroughs N-GEN box), Amigas, Kaypros, sbus and 68K Suns, Ataris, an
Altos 580-15, you name it, from various scrappers around here.
I once missed a VAXstation I, complete with keyboard, mouse, and
display, because I was on my motorcycle. By the time I got back it was
gone - from the neighborhood thrift store.
Austin, Texas is a gold mine for "obsolete" electronic equipment. I
keep thinking it'll dry up, and it just keeps coming.