From: "Hans Franke"
So, now I happen to own a KIM which I belive is the real #1
board. The CPU is a MOS MCS 6502 dated 4675, white ceramic.
As such it is from the very first batch of 6502s, of course
includeing the infamous ROR bug (no, Intel wasn't the first
to sell buggy CPUs :). It ends not just there, but it might
even bee THE first 6502 - or at least the first to be used
in a manufactured computer.
That's a pretty nice little item. I'm curious about this ROR bug - I don't
remember talk of it from the time. Do you know when it was fixed? I happen
to have an OSI 300 (a very primitive 6502 trainer) with a similar CPU
datecoded 4775 on it, I would guess it's buggy too.