On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 mjsnodgr(a)rockwellcollins.com wrote:
My only gripe is that the Cisco 675 DSL router/modem
they sold me MUST be
in routing mode, not bridging mode, and it does not have the capability to
do port forwarding. <sigh> So you can't run a server to save your soul.
You just need new firmware for your modem :) Go to:
I'm running and it has NAT and everything! I supply
FTP to a limited number of people for pickups and dropoffs, and
regularly telnet in from work to read email... I haven't yet
set up a web server, but once I get the CGI to read the cameras
I'll have un-real time access to internal and external security
cameras.... (and the idiot who lets his dog IBM in my yard will
get a visit from animal control)...