stuart birchall said:
Hi, can anyone in the UK help out - i'm after a
bnc to utp connector to
attach my amiga to our utp ethernet network.
In contrast to the converters from AUI to TP or BNC where AUI has all the
signals you need to combine signals for TP, you basically need a special
transformer circuit, BNC->TP is not so simple. The typical circuit you are
looking for is an old 10MBit hub with BNC output, like the Centrecom
MR820TR I incidentally happen to use here at home in my local network.
Since noone nowadays still want to deal with that slow 10Mbits *) **), it
is likely to find such hubs in the dump or at eBay.
*) except the readers here
**) interestingly, people accept even lower speeds for WLANs where the
naming of the theoretical limits imply that one actually gets 11MBit/s as